"Samvedna" is a heartwarming initiative by our NGO, aimed at bringing joy and companionship to the lives of elderly individuals residing in the "Kalyan Ashram," a shelter dedicated to 40 elderly women and 40 elderly men. The project ensures that our members spend quality time with them, dedicating one day every month and on special occasions to engage in various activities.
Monthly Gatherings: Our dedicated team members visit the "Kalyan Ashram" once a month to share meals, laughter, and companionship with the elderly residents. These interactions go beyond providing physical support; they aim to create emotional bonds and foster a sense of belonging.
Entertainment: The elderly residents are treated to various forms of entertainment, ranging from movie outings at the mall to picnics. These activities not only offer enjoyment but also serve as a break from their routine, adding excitement to their lives.
Problem Solving: "Samvedna" is not just about spending time together; it's about addressing the challenges faced by the elderly residents. Our team actively works towards finding solutions to their problems, ensuring a holistic approach to their well-being.
"Samvedna" is an inclusive program that involves individuals of all age groups—youth, children, and women. It goes beyond the traditional idea of senior citizen care, promoting the concept that the elderly are integral members of our families and communities.
Collaboration with Agraj Natya Dal
The "Samvedna" project collaborates with the Agraj Natya Dal, fostering a sense of community and shared responsibility. Together, we strive to make a positive impact on the lives of the elderly, making them feel valued and cherished.
"Samvedna" exemplifies our commitment to creating a society where every individual, regardless of age, is treated with dignity and compassion. Through this project, we aspire to bridge generational gaps, promote empathy, and create a supportive environment for our elderly population.