
An initiative by Libra Welfare Society

Certificate Course: "Empower - 5 Hours for a Better Tomorrow"


Basic Rights of the Child:
- Understanding fundamental rights of children as per the Indian Constitution.
- Providing information about Child Helpline and legal provisions for child protection.
- Ensuring the safety and well-being of children.

Women Harassment - Laws for Protection:
- Explaining the legal aspects of harassment against women.
- Discussing the boundaries of harassment and its legal repercussions.
- Creating awareness about women's safety rules and recent legal amendments.

Right to Vote:
- Educating citizens on their right to vote.
- Explaining the electoral process at different levels.
- Creating awareness about the power of voting in a responsible democracy.

Basic Human Science:
- Providing insights into human anatomy and health.
- Addressing common health concerns among women.
- Offering information on preventive health measures.

Self-Defense Education:
- Conducting practical exercises to strengthen muscles for self-defense.
- Imparting technical knowledge on self-defense techniques.
- Collaborating with experts, including Dr. Alka Seth from Apollo Hospitals.

Campaign "Empower for Safety and Rights

Our organization initiated the "Empower" campaign to raise awareness on various subjects crucial for individual well-being and societal harmony. This campaign, developed in collaboration with esteemed doctors, legal experts, and the police department, focuses on the following key areas:
Children's Basic Rights:
- Educating participants about the constitutional rights of children.
- Highlighting the significance of Child Helpline services.

Women Harassment and Legal Rights:
- Disseminating information on legal provisions related to women's safety.
- Addressing issues of harassment and creating awareness about legal recourse.

Right to Vote and Civic Responsibilities:
- Empowering citizens by educating them about their voting rights.
- Providing insights into the electoral process and the formation of government.

Basic Human Science for Women's Health:
- Delivering health-related information to address common concerns among women.
- Encouraging preventive healthcare measures.

Self-Defense Techniques: - Conducting practical sessions to enhance self-defense skills.
- Providing technical knowledge on self-defense strategies.
"Empower" is a step towards building a safer and informed society, where individuals are equipped with knowledge and skills to protect themselves and uphold their rights.